Objects and classesΒΆ

Although Lua doesn't define classes in the language, it provides enough mechanisms to allow implementing classes. Guerilla implements its own class and object system.


To define a class, use class.

class ("MyClass")

To define the class constructor, define the construct method.

function MyClass:construct ()

The ':' notation is a shortcut for first argument being self. The following definition is syntaxically equivalent to the previous:

function MyClass.construct (self)

To derive a class from another/other class(es), add the names in order to the class call.

class ("MyClass""Node""AnotherClass")

Define a method with the same syntax as the constructor.

function MyClass:mymethod ()


To create an object, call the class itself.

myObject = MyClass ()

The class constructor can have arguments, which are passed from the class calling.

function MyClass:construct (arg1, arg2)

myObject = MyClass ("hip""hop")

To call an object method, call the method with the ':' operator.

myObject:mymethod ()